Go for a Walk Away from Writer’s Block

Are you experiencing writer’s block as you sit inside at your desk? A solution: give your idea some legs!

You may have heard of modern day innovative leaders who hold meetings while they are on a walk. However, the concept of walking or incorporating other exercise into the day to calm the mind, aid in cognitive functioning, and boost creativity is not a new one. Henry David Thoreau, while in one of his most prolific times, wrote, “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Consequently, after reading this, I integrated into my daily routine a walk away from writer’s block.

A simple walk is likely to lead to the increase of free-flowing thoughts and creativity. Furthermore, there is science to back up this idea.

In 2014, a study from Stanford University showed that walking helps raise levels of creativity. The researchers set out to assess creativity levels of participants when they were sitting down versus when they were walking. Ultimately, the study found that the levels of the individuals while walking increased 60 percent! The boost in creativity was apparent even after the activity was complete. Moreover, once the participants completed the activity, their creativity remained apparent.

So, if you find yourself stuck while writing, try to get outside for a walk. I invite you to start recording via a phone app, and speak for ten to twenty minutes on a topic. When you arrive back to your writing sanctuary, transcribe your recording.

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